Loss Assessor in Mayo

A Trusted Advisor

Authorised Public Loss Assessor in Mayo

Do you need a Loss Assessor in Mayo? Property damage (and cleaning up in the wake of it) can be a distressing experience, not to mention the disappointment and worry associated with an insurance settlement that is much less than you expected. Having a trusted advisor and loss assessor by your side to represent you on insurance matters can significantly reduce your stress and help get you back on your feet.


Richard Gibbons is an authorised public loss assessor in Mayo with an in-depth understanding of construction technology and the insurance claims process, owing to more than 20 years in the property and insurance sectors. Through RM Gibbons and Associates he handles all claims for property damage from start to finish, from fire, storm and flood to oil leaks, burst pipes, subsidence and malicious damage for home owners and commercial, business and agricultural clients.



…Richard knows how to diagnose a problem and which questions to ask to keep the claims process moving. This helps secure the best settlement in the shortest possible time.

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From your very first phone call to the satisfactory settlement of your claim, Richard takes a professional and hands-on approach by managing the entire process on your behalf.


He will:
  • assess property damage on-site with the insurance company’s loss adjustor;
  • provide timely advice on information needed for your claim;
  • anticipate the interpretation of policy wording;
  • complete and submit your claims paperwork;
  • keep you up-to-date with the claims process and
  • ensure that in accordance with your policy cover, that the proposed settlement is fair, reasonable and equitable.

Richard also handles commercial and agricultural claims, investigating property damage and inventories for damaged stock before commencing extended negotiations with insurers and third parties. If business operations have been impacted by damage to property and stock, we can also advise you on a claim for business interruption under your policy to get your business back to its original state.


With the capacity to manage large and small claims, we enjoy excellent success rates and are available to clients nationwide.


Achieve the earliest and best settlement possible with professional representation for your insurance claim.


Richard genuinely cares about his clients and achieving the best outcome for their needs. Whether you’ve suffered property damage or are considering a building project, you can count on Richard to deliver proactive, timely and professional support

Contact Richard